We have all been there: You look for your favorite necklace in your jewelry box only to find that it is tangled in a knotted disaster. This trick will help you untangle you necklaces like a pro without losing your mind.

Here is how to loosen those knots a bit quicker so you can enjoy your favorite necklace again.
What you will need:
Tangled necklace
Baby powder or baby oil
Pin, needle or safety pin
Patience (not pictured)
What you will do:
1. Lay the necklace onto a clean flat surface (that won’t be impacted by powders or possible safety pin jabs!). Make sure to open the clasp.
The baby powder or baby oil will help you take knots out of your necklace.

2. Sprinkle the powder directly onto necklace. Shake it so that the powder coats the entire chain. If you are using the baby oil instead, spread it to cover all the necklace.

3. Gently begin to pull knots apart with your fingers, starting from the center and working your way to the edges. The powder acts like a lubricant helping undo knots.
4. Use the pin or safety pin to guide the chain through and around the knots where the fingers cannot hold. Here is where patience comes in!

5. Use more powder or baby oil as needed, and repeat the steps above until the necklace becomes fully untangled. When there is less friction around the knots, you are able to unravel chains quicker and easier.
Wow, so much better!
6. Wash the necklace with water and a mild soap to remove the powder or oil residue. Dry thoroughly with a paper towel.Next time your jewels need unraveling, it won't be such a pain in the neck.

Info curated from various sources. The information offered is not meant to treat medical conditions.